What does GDRP mean for your
company's IT?

The General Data Protection Regulation introduced in 2018 for EU citizens can be hard to understand and apply. Remote IT's job is to help you find the fastest way to avoid being fined.
Do you need a GDPR audit?
Let us know and we will analyze your company's applicable data.

Meaning any information related to a "natural identifiable person". Such an individual can be identified directly or indirectly, be it via a name, ID number, geolocation, online identification data OR any data regarding a person's physical, psychololgical, genetical, cultural or social traits.

Any operation made to personal data - collecting, recording, organizing, transmitting, reading or destroying.

Processing and splitting data so that it can no longer be traced back to the uniquely identifiable person without access to information that is kept in a separate location.

GDPR compliance measures

Cloud hosting of encrypted data
To ensure compliance with EU regulations, we recommend a number of methods: from encrypted data on an on-premise server with restricted access (user, password, multi-factor authentication) to moving the data to an encrypted cloud. The choice will be made on financial and preferential grounds.
Multi-factor authenticated access to data
Configuring access to company data so that both a valid password and a code sent to a separate device of the user's are required.
Email encryption
You cannot control the security level of your partners' but you can make sure you have done your own due diligence when it comes to security. An encrypted email server is vital for GDPR compliance.
Website cookie policy
The 2018 EU ruling requires that all websites ask visitors if they allow their data to be processed and kept. We can help set up this cookie requirement and web alert.

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If you have any questions you can find us during normal office hours on WhatsApp, on the phone, or via email.
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+40 724 08 16 33